Monday, June 29, 2009

Family Home Chaos

AKA "Family Home Evening"

You know....that wonderful Monday night wrestling match you hold with your high-energy kids in which you dream of singing the hymns of Zion, studying the scriptures with reverence, and participating in uplifting, educational activities only to realize that such a calm, spiritual experience will not come until the kids are preparing for their missions (and even then, you have to wonder, given the energy level of these four!).

Why is it that as soon as we say "Family Home Evening", all chaos breaks out??? All day long I have been telling the children that tonight we would be singing a hymn, Mark would read a Wordsworth poem, and then we would write in our journals for our FHE activity. I thought they were looking forward to the evening. But as soon as I finished the dinner clean up and said, "OK, come to the piano to sing!" Blake had a melt-down and had to be put in time-out twice before he finally came downstairs and was reverent and participatory. Then Brent and Blake started chasing bugs around the house just while I was trying to get them to FOCUS and tell me what to write in their journals. At least Mark and Jocelyn are now old enough to behave well and participate in hymn singing and journal writing.

Each day this summer the children must practice the piano, read the Book of Mormon (two chapters), do their "dailies" workbooks, and write in their blogs or journals. We are not turning on the t.v. until late at night or if Wendy has to get something done and needs the kids to settle down (even then, we are trying to send them outside to the trampoline or to ride the scooters around the house). The challenge of raising young children is channeling their energy, which is limitless in the case of my kids. My revenge will come when they are teenagers and want to sleep all day but I make them get up early for sports, summer school, music lessons, and jobs!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Blake's Baby Photos

Welcome home baby Blake! Mark is almost 3 1/2 years old, and Jocelyn is 21 months old (sniffing her na-nat).
Blake's club feet condition. This photo was taken 24 hours after his birth to show how turned in his feet were born. He began casting when he was just 2 days old!
Blake during one of his casting sessions with the pediatric orthopaedist. Boyd had to wrestle him to hold him still during each corrective session. He was so strong that Boyd would break a sweat!

Baby Blake at just 1 month old. Notice how dark his hair was when he was born! The dark hair grew out and was replaced by blonde hair!

The first smile of baby Blake! He rarely smiled his first year due to the pains he suffered with his club feet and his severe eczema. I was so excited to see him smile up at me. He is 2 months old here!

Brent's Baby Photos - Found!!

Wendy getting prep'd for delivery of baby brother Brent. Wendy went into the hospital at 12:00noon and started into full labor within 30 minutes. June 7th was destined to be Brent's birthday whether we chose it or not!

Newborn Brent just after he is delivered from Wendy's tummy. He was wide awake and very alert the rest of the day!

Newborn Brent on Wendy's lap the evening of his birth meeting his sister and brothers for the first time. They were so thrilled to have their little brother that they had all prayed for!

Blake gives newborn baby brother Brent a loving kiss when he first greets him in the hospital!

Grandma Woodward and Jocelyn in the hospital the day Brent was born.

Baby brother Brent the day he came home from the hospital (4 days old). He is wearing a dinosaur onesie so he can fit in with his dino-crazy brothers Mark and Blake!

Big sister Jocelyn holds Brent when he is just 3 weeks old. Jocelyn is wearing her Purple Ponies soccer uniform. Boyd coached her U-5 team this summer.

Grandma Woodward holding Baby Brent (1 week old) while big brother Blake holds his precious baby Sharpteesh (1 year old).

Mark with Grandma Woodward and baby brother Brent (1 week old).

Mark holding baby brother Brent the day he came home from the hospital!

California Science Center - June 26, 2009

Today we enjoyed a great day trip to the California Science Center on the Los Angeles Exposition grounds across from USC. The weather was perfect - 75 and clear, blue skies. It was the perfect summer day!

These beautiful rose gardens surround a large fountain.
On the pathways surrounding the Rose Gardens and the Science Center were these large globes dedicated to Environmental Conservatism. Each globe was decorate by hand by a local group or artist. The green globe in the foreground had LED stoplights on it!

Jocelyn in front of the pink globe.

A mask of fruits and vegetables formed this world globe!

Blake's favorite globe of all...the baseball globe!

Which came first - the baby chick or the egg? Two newborn chicks in an incubator surrounded by other nearly hatching chicks. (Brent and Elise Gordon)

Building an earthquake proof tower....this display taught us how triangles are used to build strong buildings that can hold up under strong shakings. We had to build our towers with diagonal trusses to prevent collapsing during simulated earthquakes.

Brent loved putting together the tinker-toys to build a tower.

Next we visited the Air and Space Exhibit. Here are Jocelyn and Elise in an L.A.P.D. helicopter inside the Air & Space Exhibit.
Mark in front of a turbo jet engine. Very cool display! It showed how air becomes compressed entering on the right, gets heated through the engines, and then is expelled through the exhaust providing strong thrust.

Today was also the annual INS Nationalization Ceremony at the Los Angeles Olympic Coliseum. We were surprised to be parked on the grass in front of the Los Angeles National History Museum until the parking attendant explained this was overflow parking due to the thousands who would be attending the INS Ceremony.

Welcome to America! Welcome to Capitalism! Here a vendor is selling Immigration Certificate covers for $5.00!
Here's something you don't see everyday...a BMW missing its hood but being driven around L.A. like it's no big deal!!!

Oh, it just PAINS me to see a BMW treated like this!

Swimming Fun

Blake and Brent - my "B" boys! Best friends, even when they compete so much it hurts (one or both of them!) Swimming with the Wilberts this week. Here are Christopher & Milla Wilbert with Elise Gordon.

Mark swimming with Noah Gordon.Brent and Morgan Wilbert enjoying the hot tub. Brent always has to wear his goggles!
Brent enjoying the kiddie pool with Juliet Gordon. He loves to play with girls and enjoys being the clown.

Who is that masked man????

It's Mark! And, WOW!, is he handsome with his bright blue eyes!

Dance of the Wooden Soldiers

Jocelyn (on the right), Elise Gordon (center) and Audrey Robertson (left) enjoyed taking ballet class together this past Spring. This Saturday they will be in the June recital performing "Dance of the Wooden Soldiers" The class actually has 10 girls in it, so the production will include several more dancers. Next Jocelyn wants to take a Hip-hop dance class!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Training-wheels Free!

Tonight Boyd challenged Big Boys Blake and Brent to learn to ride their bikes without training wheels. Blake threw a fit and refused to try, but Boyd insisted he try it 5 times and then he'd put the training wheels back on. On the 3rd try, Blake was up and going and even took the sharp turns at the end of our driveway without falling. Not to be outdone, Brent got his Daddy's tools and successfully removed his own training wheels, forcing Boyd to put Brent through the same Bike Boot Camp as Blake. Sure enough...Brent was tearing around the neighborhood in no time. What a night! (Now if we could only convince Brent that Big Boys on Bikes don't wear pull-ups we'll be even happier.)
Mark is worn out from his third football clinic. They are really working him. But he still doesn't understand how the game is played, so Boyd has to do some football training this weekend.

Centennial Farms

On Tuesday, June 23, we went to the Centennial Farms with Noah and Elise Gordon. It was a great day-outing and a very educational experience for all of us. We were alone at the farms, a unique experience, so we got to enjoy all the displays. Here the children are in front of the goat corral.
These were two Holstein cows on the farm. They were HUGE! The barn had a sign saying a good cow will produce 10 gallons of milk a day...and by the looks of these two, I'd believe it!

A beautiful clock built into the landscaping of the farms. The kids got into the act and added their own clock arms!
Square Foot Gardening - this is a new gardening technique that reportedly increases yield, eliminates weeds, and utilizes land and soil well. You sub-divide a box into compartments and then plant different fruits or vegetables in each compartment. You can grow as much food as you would in a much larger garden because you are using all available space for planting, instead of leaving furrows between plant rows.

This is tiered Square Foot Gardening. Very pretty on top with fruits and vegetables in the lower levels.
We went to Centennial Farms on the Orange County Fairgrounds with Noah and Elise Gordon. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we had the farms to ourselves! We really enjoyed wandering among the gardens and the animal cages, especially the large barns with the large livestock.

Brent immediately found the pumpkin patch! He was so excited to count all the green pumpkins growing in the patch!
Beautifully planted rows of vegetables and fruits line all the garden areas. I was amazed at how well labeled each growth area was, including information on how often a crop can be "turned over" and how much each crop will yield. Interestingly, cabbage can grow year-round and can be harvested every 3 months, making it the highest yielding crop on the planet! That explains why Ireland and other countries where farmers had little land relied on cabbage and vegetables as their main crops - they would grow plentifully and provide enough food for the year.

Blake in front of the popular pig barn. Talk about some BIG PIGs (the animals, not the cute kids!).
Two cute baby pigs with their curly tails. The kids loved watching the pigs eat and scratch, but when they pee'd from their behind, it looked like a bright yellow fountain. I'm impressed their are farmers willing to work with livestock day in and day out. Just keeping their pens clean must be a tremendous amount of work! After viewing all the live animals and beautiful gardens, it made us laugh that the grass on the outside of the farms was FAKE! It was artificial turf manufactured from recycled rubber tires. We laughed about the "fake grass" the rest of the day!
