On Friday, July 23, Boyd turned 50. The kids planned a fun celebration for their daddy. Jocelyn conducted a Birthday Card-making Seminar for her brothers. Each child presented their Daddy with a custom birthday card that expressed their love and appreciation for all their Daddy does for them.

We celebrated by taking the family to dinner at the Laguna Beach Montage resort, using a gift card Boyd had been given 7 years ago by a client. We finally had a fun event to celebrate and the kids were old enough to not completely embarass us while eating in public.
Brent being a well-behaved dinner guest at the Montage. He was so excited to eat at a fancy restaurant for the first time in his life!

Brent's birthday card for Boyd.....
Brent gave his Daddy the oversized $1 bill Boyd has had on his desk for years and 5 shiny pennies he found in my change box. He was so thrilled to give his Daddy MONEY!>

Blake happy because the waiter gave him a full glass of chocolate milk before even taking our food orders!

Blake's birthday card for his Daddy...dinosaurs everywhere! That is a dinosaur claw-print on the back cover of the card.

Mark made an Apple card for his Daddy and called it the "Apple MacBook Nothing" because it was not a real MacBook.

Jocelyn drew a fun birthday card for her Daddy...

Now on to the yummy dinner.....
Jocelyn ordered the delicious duck. It was sweet and tender. We all enjoyed it immensely. Jocelyn is our most adventurous eater and is always eager to try new foods.

Mark ordered the grilled chicken and gourmet macaroni-and-cheese....

Boyd ordered the salmon...
(Notice the pretty sunset in the view windows behind Boyd)

Now for dessert!
Jocelyn ordered the S'mores plate! It came with custom chocolate delicacy, fire-roasted marshmallows, lots of chocolate cream, and crushed graham cracker crumbs.

This is a photo of the beautiful night view of the Montage beach-side pool with the waves crashing below (in the upper part of the photo).

This is also a perfect example of why I need a DSLR camera so I can take night shots that capture all the beauty of the evening skies and ocean waves.
Happy Birthday Boyd! The hardest part is behind you! Now you just have to keep up with your kids for the next 50 years! We love you!